Exceptional Warranty
We stand by our vision of providing excellent products and services so that you can create all of your projects without worrying about the future. That’s why these LED Strips are covered by our exceptional 5 Year Warranty protection.

Unlike other competitors LED Strips, these Strips come certified as UL Listed and Class 2. By using these strips and following local regulations, you are guaranteed that your projects will be up to code.

Double Layer PCB
LED tapes made with Double layer PCB tend to have higher lumens and better heat dissipation to significantly improve its stability and life cycle. This helps the circuit board to withstand higher temperatures and electric currents.Â

High CRI of 90RA
The most readily apparent benefit of lights with higher CRI ratings is the improvement in safety as a result of increased visibility.
The higher the CRI, the better the artificial light source is at rendering colors accurately. The lower the CRI value, the more unnatural colors appear when illuminated by the light source.
 A CRI value of 80+ will effectively portray colors and finishes. When the most accurate color rendering is essential, 90+ CRI values are recommended.

3M Strong Double Adhesive Tape
These LED Strips come equipped with 3M Double Sided adhesive tape. By using 3M tape, we guarantee that the strip will be able to resist and last its entire life cycle without any problems regarding adhesion to the surface where its installed.

High Density 1500 LED count
This LED Strip comes equipped with a staggering 1500 count LED chips throughout the entire roll. By using this particular strip, you can ensure that you’re achieving the smoothest and even lighting structure in order to obtain a virtually dot-less look. Best suited for front facing installations.

Low Voltage 24V DC
Among the many benefits of using low voltage LED we can mention that safety is probably the principal one. Due to the significantly lower voltage running through the light fittings themselves, low voltage lighting is much safer to use.

1" Cuttable Marks
By using 1″ Cuttable marks, this Strip has the added benefit of being highly customizable for your projects in order to achieve that perfect fit.

10mm Strip Width
This LED Strip has a width of 10mm which permits it to be installed in most spots and custom made projects.